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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

7 Simple Ways to Feel Happier Every Day.

 Hello everyone and welcome  today we're going to learn about seven simple ways to feel happier every day now let's begin 

1. Take your breath away there are a few things more awe-inspiring than the sunrise golden beams penetrating a screen of backlit clouds vibrant colors decorating an endless horizon in a few short minutes the entire world embraces light and life enjoying this breathtaking view can transform your day not only will the natural beauty leave you inspired but you'll also find yourself more grateful for the gifts life has to offer to witness a sunrise opens your eyes to the complexity of the natural world which is as uplifting as it is humbling most importantly the sunrise gives you hope every sunrise offers a blank page a fresh start and an opportunity to accomplish something new this freedom will relieve stress and flood your brain with feel-good chemicals both of which boost your mood daily exposure to sunlight can also work wonders for your mental health one particular study looked into the mental health risks of living in a country with fewer sunlight researchers found that less Sun increases your risk of developing depression anxiety and seasonal affective disorder psychologists started using something called light therapy as a safe way to counteract anxiety and sleep disorders the light kick-starts hormone production and reset your biological clock some psychologists even recommend light exposure is a replacement for antidepressants and the benefits don't stop there sun lights are critical for your physical health it supplies you with vitamin D which promotes cell and bone health our bodies supply of vitamin D works a lot like a battery once you're fully charged your body will keep the rest in storage so you can go back and use it anytime but if you never charge your battery well your body won't have enough power so how much vitamin D do you need to be fully charged not as much as you'd think by watching the sunrise every morning you can completely satisfy your daily needs that means stronger bones more cell growth and a lower risk of diseases like osteoporosis and all you have to do is sit back and take in view.

2. Cleanse your environment over the years you've probably collected all kinds of random stuff that poster you don't remember why you bought that shirt you keep because it's a gift even though it doesn't fit there's nothing wrong with withholding on to a few useless things but they add up fast most people don't realize how much useless stuff they have in their rooms and offices you accrue these things over an extended period so you don't notice anything wrong until it starts affecting your mental state we hold onto these trinkets because they mean something to us that poster remind you of the convention you went to with your friends that shirt makes you think about Christmas with your family you don't want to toss them because it feels like you're throwing away the memories - but excess clutter is actually one of the most common mental and emotional stressors a study from UCLA found that families are significantly more stressed when asked to sort through their possessions it elevated their production of stress hormones and produced anxiety so do yourself a favor by cleansing your environment without clutter everything in your space will be something you regularly use you'll be surprised how big of a difference that simple change can make not only will you be more productive and focused but you'll also feel better about where you live and where you work.

3. Blacklist social media you've probably heard about the benefits of quitting social media to be more productive you know it's a notorious time waster but social media can also impact your mood whether you realize it or not it forces you to make social comparisons now a social comparison is when you judge your worth based on someone else's life or accomplishments do you have as much money as they do in your house as big as theirs even if you aren't directly thinking about these questions they're constantly affecting your self-esteem the more comparisons you make the harder it is to understand your value it may seem harmless to scroll through someone else's page or watch their story but each time you're subconsciously pitting your life against theirs this is especially detrimental in the morning you might wake up and immediately check your phone it maybe you see what your friends did last night or check what your favorite celebrities are up to now on the surface, it's an easy way to slowly wake up but you should never start your day wishing you were someone else even subconsciously you're bound to feel less motivated because you're excited about a lifestyle that isn't yours for people struggling with insecurity social media can dig them into an even deeper hole in your perception of what happiness and success look like becomes that much more skewed if you want to feel happier every day cut down on social media or just take a break from it completely if you're used to checking it all the time then it's probably going to be tough at first you might feel restless and uneasy but it's crucial that you never use social media as a crutch instead use that time to create and embrace a lifestyle that you can be proud of.

4. Anticipate to motivate sometimes happiness has nothing to do with what you're doing it might come from what you've planned anticipation is a powerful mood booster because it gives your daily activities additional meaning imagine you just made plans to go camping with a couple of friends the trip isn't for a week yet you start feeling excited the way in advance it might even be easier to work and sleep each day because you're building up towards some sort of reward it's very common for people to experience sadness because of aimlessness if  your life lacks any sort of structure you might feel empty total freedom while great in theory  can make you confused and purposeless structures and boundaries give you a clear reason to keep  moving forward that's why something as simple as making plans with a friend can motivate  you and improve your mood.

5. Size isn't everything what if I said you could feel happier  and get things done at the same time say you've got eight different things on your to-do list  for the day two of them are big intimidating projects - or time-consuming but pretty easy  and the last four are simple five-minute chores like cleaning your room or taking out the trash  which ones should you do first most people would tell you to go with the two big-ticket items they  take more time and brainpower so why not get them done first thing in the morning in an ideal world   this is the way to go it's the most productive use of your time and gets the hard stuff out of   the way early in reality things don't always go so smoothly you may have a hard time motivating   yourself or maybe you can't stop being pessimistic whatever it is you're feeling down and uninspired   so what should you do to pick yourself back up to improve your mood and increase your confidence   start with the smallest items on your list the five-minute source now I'll admit it isn't   the most efficient strategy but the point here isn't to maximize productivity it's to improve   your state of mind those small chores give you a much-needed sense of accomplishment after all you   are accomplishing something even if it is pretty small this is an especially good strategy   for chronic procrastinators more often than not procrastination isn't a motivation issue   it's triggered by deficiencies in mood and self-esteem for example you may not be able   to motivate yourself because you're too scared to try but you can't expect yourself to suddenly   jump from zero to a hundred small chores build your confidence bit by bit acting as stepping   stones toward bigger challenges.

 6. Expand your mind undiscovered hobbies give many people a  new lease on life they may have spent their entire lives in one field only to stumble   upon their true passion somewhere else even if you don't turn that passion into a career a new  area of interest can be incredibly fulfilling simply pushing yourself to navigate through   uncharted territory increases your confidence and self-esteem you'll find yourself struggling   less and less to face challenges because you have faith in your ability to succeed that   self-assurance doesn't just make you a better worker it makes you a happier person time and   time again researchers have shown the correlation between self-confidence and general satisfaction   no matter what you're interested in learning is a surefire way to brighten up your daily life.   7. Study yourself you may be struggling to find happiness because you don't know your own   strengths many people are so wrapped up in social expectations that they never see themselves as   an individual they don't realize what makes them unique you should set aside some time every day to   reflect on who you are try to understand yourself as a person dig deep and analyze your own emotions   ask yourself things like what are my values and where do they come from why do I like the   things that I like you might discover that it's surprisingly hard to pin down specific answers   to these questions, the truth is most people never stop to reflect on who they are but those answers   are just the beginning you still have to come to terms with your choices once you understand   why you do things you can learn to accept and be happy with your individuality.
