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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m


 Dear friend, I wish you believe me when I tell you how beautiful you are I wish you look in a mirror and I'd see what's wrong with you but all that's wrong with you I wish you looked at yourself your skin your hair your body and see a work of art as a masterpiece carefully fearfully wonderfully and purposefully made I wish you wouldn't hide behind a mask I wish you'd be comfortable in your skin I wish you'd quit trying so hard to fit in and try our best to stand out I wish you let the world know the real you I know you think did me not like you but who cares all that matters is you liking you all that matters is you being happy with yourself because people will always find a reason to hate on you they will talk smack about you no matter what if you're slim they would say you're too skinny

if you put on some weight don't say you're too fat if you gained some muscles don't say you're too big you just can't win this life is way too short and precious to be wasting time trying to please everybody to stop being a people pleaser stop hanging out with fake friends and surround yourself with people who see the real you and love you just the way you are because your fake friends the only love an image of you denim real but children friends they love all of you the good the bad and the ugly sister and yourself with people who bring nothing by the best out of you so run yourself with people who make you laugh surround yourself with people that would encourage you to girl sew on yourself with people that will help you achieve your dreams your hopes and aspirations so are yourself with nothing but positivity because you're beautiful you're gorgeous you're good enough matter of fact you're more than enough so don't let anybody tell you nothing different so don't let anything bring you down just be yourself because you're beautiful.
