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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

Will China Drag India Into Limited War In Eastern Ladakh?

 The 13th round of core commander talks concluded on Sunday the 10th of October in Moldova in eastern Ladakh but no agreement was reached on troop withdrawal at patrolling point 15 in the hot springs area while the two sides have agreed to additional rounds of talks the failure of the two commander's talks to reach an amicable solution based on the previously agreed disengagement and The de-escalation process suggest that a short to the medium-term armed stalemate could prevail on the border with sporadic border skirmishes or even an intensive limited war possibility why would there be a chance of another tense winter standoff because the Chinese continue to block Indian security forces from entering locations where they had deployed patrols regularly there have been further intrusions in the southern Demchok region where Indian forces are allegedly unable to patrol over the charring Nala also, the Chinese forces have penetrated the central sector's Barghouti plains and the eastern sectors to wong tracts but have returned after being intercepted by Indian troops china also expresses its views regarding india's vice president's visit to Arunachal Pradesh which is an essential and inalienable part of India also, the Chinese troops have been deployed in considerable numbers all along the line of actual control backed up by a quick and extensive build-up of permanent or semi

permanent infrastructure on the other hand unlike the last time the Indian army is now much well prepared for the winter there is better infrastructure and better provisioning an unconfirmed report says that anti-aircraft systems such as the Russian-built s-400 have been stationed in Aksai chin this may be done to neutralize Indian aviation assets that have been stationed in greater numbers at air bases in both the western and eastern sectors the Indian army chief summed up the the situation along the border when he said so it indicates that China is here to stay we are keeping a careful eye on all of these changes but if they are here to stay we will as well the current situation along the lac in the western sector of the India china border areas have been caused by unilateral attempts of the Chinese side to alter the status quo in violation of the bilateral agreements hot springs and dem chop continue to pose challenges the Chinese have now turned it into a problematic sovereignty issue previously they claimed that it was only a territory dispute with winter on its way the standoff will continue and this will be a second harsh winter with thousands of troops battling each other along the lac what should be India's china strategy in the altered regional and global geopolitics an assessment of where things stand in India-china relations may be found in a recent discussion paper india's path to power strategy in a world adrift launched on the 2nd of October in a summary, it ascribes china's increasingly aggressive stance to its interpretation of the shifting balance of power both concerning India and the united states its major geopolitical competitor and the events at the lac are motivated by a desire to show India by china that its strategic relationship with the us and participation in the quad cannot provide it with an effective deterrence against china to deal with the china issue India's path to power includes both a border strategy and a national plan on the military side the paper acknowledges that the Indian armed forces have shown their ability to prevent additional substantial incursion over the lac by Chinese soldiers but the firepower required to remove the latter from locations already taken is inadequate furthermore because of the nature of the border permanent deployments all along the lac is just not possible even though surveillance and monitoring can be significantly expanded india's military forces should be restructured such that it has numerous mobile attack teams that can quickly deploy over the border to secure territory in the event of Chinese incursion this would offer the Indian side bargaining power as evidenced by what occurred in south pinging so in eastern Ladakh the goal should be to persuade the  opponent that such invasions can be costly and hazardous in the wider geopolitical context India has little choice but to enhance its security relationships with other big nations and through a forum like the quad but India always maintains that such alliances are not intended to oppose china however this deny may increase china's pressure on India the paper also suggests that India should refocus on its foreign policy on the vast constituency of developing nations with which it shares key concerns and interests India has the potential to emerge as a natural leader of this constituency which will extend India's diplomatic space despite the chaos and uncertainty that has engulfed the world still opportunities have arisen for developing economies such as India this is an opportunity that should not be given up as many others have in the past the last round of military-level talks between India and china exchanged harsh words while India said it made some constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas it found the Chinese the side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals and china said that India still persisted in its unreasonable and unrealistic demands which added difficulties to the negotiations as core commanders meetings remain inconclusive the foreign minister of India refused to negotiate with any other bilateral subjects unless the the current stalemate is addressed while the defense minister pledged to preserve Indian land to the last inch over the past year and a half the India china bilateral relationship has deteriorated like never before and it will continue to deteriorate further, so India has to be prepared for the change that is coming you.
