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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

The Story Of How God Helps.


The story about how God helps once upon a time there was a small village by the river, everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple once during the monsoon season, it rained heavily the river started overflowing and flood entered the village everyone started to evacuate their homes and set out to go to the safe place one man ran to the temple he quickly went to the priest's room and told him the flood water has entered into our homes and it is rising quickly and water also has started to enter the temple we must leave the village as in no time it will sink under the water, everyone has to go out to the safer place and you must come along but the priest told the man i am not an atheist like you all and i have full faith in god I trust God that he will come to save me I will not leave the temple you may go and so the man left soon the water level started to rise and reached the waist height the priest climbed on a desk after a few minutes a man with a boat came to rescue the priest he told the priest I was told by the villagers that you are still inside the temple so I have come to rescue you please climb into the boat but the priest again refused to leave giving him the same reason and so the boatman left the water kept rising and reached the ceiling so the priest climbed to the top of the the time he kept praying to God

to save him soon a helicopter came and they dropped a rope ladder for the priest and asked him to climb and get inside the helicopter so they could take him to the safer place but the priest once again refused to leave and again giving the same reason so the helicopter left to search and help others at last when the temple nearly submerged under the water the priest kept his head up and started complaining oh lord I worshipped you all my life and kept my faith in you why didn't you come and save me suddenly god appeared in front of him with a smile and he said oh you mad man I came to save you three times I came running to you to ask you to leave for the safest place I came with a boat I came with a helicopter but it's my fault if you didn't recognize me the priest immediately realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness he got his chance to go to the safe place one more time which he accepted you see in life in your life do you believe in god but do you recognize god do you recognize the signs that are sent for you god sends you opportunities all the time they come unknowingly but sometimes we fail to grab the opportunities or to see the opportunities that life or god throws at us if you see an opportunity don't think twice go and grab your chance go and grab that sign of life if you don't there will always be another opportunity but why waste time this is there to do motivation.
