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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

How To Look Beautiful Naturally | How To Look Attractive Naturally

Hey friends have a feeling that you're not able to make it up to the mark when it comes to looking at fractal and beautiful here's the best platform for you to know how so in this blog you're gonna learn seven natural ways of looking attractive and confident beauty is truly only skin deep and at the end of the day it's pretty meaningless if you don't Foster the more lasting parts of our identity that is kindness and intelligence however sometimes we just want to feel like the look our best and for those occasions there are scientifically verified ways to appear more attractive number one keep your teeth white according to a study from the The University of Leeds featured on Business Insider as well clean white teeth are a quick indicator of good health and thus instantly make us more attractive to others so grab

those whitening strips or whatever method works best for you in your life and say a smiling Hellyer to an awesome bowl number two go for a voluminous hairstyle a piece of everyday health noted that thick hair is associated with health and vitality which instantly makes you look better if your hair has been thinning with age or isn't just on the thinner side in general celebrity stylists are recommended using dry shampoo on the roots to absorb heavy oils and create an the instant illusion of fullness number three take care of your skin a study published by the NIH showed that smooth skin is a major factor in overall attractiveness since much like white teeth it instantly indicates good health so if you want to add a boost of confidence start giving your skin a little TLC M since I must care junkie, I can't help but recommend a gentle chemical exfoliant followed by a quality scent-free moisturizer it's a simple and cost-effective method for glowing skin also never forget the sunscreen seriously number four health red lipstick handy the same business insider piece noted that a University of Manchester study found that our lips are considered to be one of the most attractive and arousing facial features it also found the drawing attention to them with red lipstick means they will be stared at for an average of seven seconds longer so if you're looking to feel your sexy s here with the red number five put on that red dress if you like red lipstick you should also consider that red dress in your closet in a study out of the University of Rochester participants rated people as more attractive when they are in red or other colors even been shown pictures of the same person  it's repeated in a game so you need to check out on this number six accentuate your symmetry you likely heard that facial symmetry is strongly associated with attractiveness and steady out of Sanford confirms this however the fact of the marriage most of we are not perfectly symmetric and our eyes might be two slightly different sizes a mouse may be a little lopsided our nails could be a little uneven it's natural and normal and it's generally not something to suppress at all however, if you want the extra boost of the confidence you should try a makeup it's all about knowing how to do that check out the above blog to see how you can make your eye bigger or smaller to see how it's done number seven be confident this is something I have been writing about before as well confidence can instantly make you a more magnetic person according to Harvard psychologist Craig Malkin it's because confident people are more likely to engage in behavior that inspires trust in other people like solid eye contact and open body language as well as being more likely to be open and say what they mean so even if you're naturally on the shyer side quite a frigate you make it on those nights when you want to feel super cute so these were the seven beautiful tricks of how to look more attractive in confident if you enjoyed this blog let us know by giving it a thumbs up if in case you have a tea on the topics which Do you want me to make my next blog on please do let me know till then bye and have a blessed day take care.
