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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

9 Teen Skincare Tips NO ONE TELLS YOU!


Hey guys welcome back to the blog today's blog is going to be all about teen at skincare tips no one tells you about pretty much everything in your teen years like your first kiss your first crush your first bra purchase even figuring out your first skincare routine can be quite confusing are you feeling hormonal is your skin breaking out in acne and pimples is your skin oily but still feels dry if you have any of these issues just keep watching tips I started my skincare routine as soon as I got into high school I was super diligent I did it every single day and I'm so grateful that I started early in my teens in today's blog I'll be sharing with you guys things I wish I knew that no one tells you about that  you should note in your teen years I'll be sharing with you guys some tips and tricks on how to keep your skin radiant pimple free and just clear in your teen years so if you want to see what they are just keep watching with any skincare a routine I always like to get comfortable in my nice fluffy robe and then put on my spot headband which keeps my hair away from the face and then I might add my hair back with a scrunchie I love these things are the first step I'm going to Share with you guys is to always remove the dirt and oil even if you don't have any makeup on already skincare on it's always good to start with a clean a surface that's why I love the bio derma sensible h2o micellar water it's fragrance-free paraben-free and alcohol-free and it's great for red and intolerant sensitive skin just a a couple of cotton pads and swipe swipe swipe and then I'm done the next skincare tip no one tells you is to use low pH cleansers one of my favorites are the Vichy pare teather mount this is great especially if you're in your teen years why hard water alkaline soaps and body washes especially in the shower

can disrupt your pH so you want to keep your skin's optimal pH balance of 5.5 this keeps your skin soft and supple without that tight and dry feeling another tip I highly recommend is getting a face brush even if you don't have that something like this like a baby skin smoother is super affordable and easy to use and the brush helps get into those areas where your fingers can when I'm finished cleansing I just run up with warm water and pat dry one tip I wish I knew in high school was to keep my skin is cool if you heated or you play a lot of sports and you're sweating all the time even a cold rinse once throughout the day can do wonders using toner in my teen years was a lifesaver this was especially helpful when I had oily skin and breakouts that's why I love the fairs witch hazel I love your toner it's a great skincare ingredient because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that help manage things like eczema acne psoriasis aloe is also packed full of antioxidants that help the skin stay firm and moisturized in tried-and-tested the tip that I have stood by for years is using toothpaste this is the Jason C fresh one I just take a tiny amount and apply it over any pimples or breakouts it's even good as a preventative measure this is also a cost-effective the way you can want to get rid of pimples fast I leave this on for no longer than five minutes and then I just wipe it off with a wet towel, you might find a little bit of redness but I find this goes down in just a few seconds so it's not a big deal but if you do find it more irritating just do a test patch first before applying it to your breakout know if you want something that has a bit more punch I love using the Kiehl's breakout control targeted blemish spot treatment this is good to help reduce the appearance of blemishes it also is formulated with sulfur in vitamin b3 and it is great for blemish-prone skin is another tip I wish I knew was using essence instead of a heavy cream and your teenage years your skin is quite sensitive so the lighter your moisturizer is I find that it works better this blemish water Bank Hydra essence is one of my favorites it really drenches the skin and keeps it moisturized without feeling super happy and my skin has that nice natural glow one thing that I wish I started earlier was using retinol one of my favorites are the Olay Regenerist but not 24 face moisturizer

this is super gentle on the skin and doesn't leave any issue mist or redness a fun fact about retinol is that it's not just used for anti-aging can also help with acne scars with skin texture and smoothness in the skin this is a great addition to put into your skincare routine at night time if you're starting with retinol apply gradually and work your way from there and last but not least one of the most important things in your teen years are to use sunscreen Durham's recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 which blocks 97% of the sun's UV rays a higher number SPF just blocks it a bit more not too much so the the minimum you should be using is 30 and try to do it 30 minutes before going out in the Sun Sunscreen isn't just for the face don't forget your lips and your neck and now we're done I hope you guys enjoyed this blog.
