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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

10 Simple Habits to Enjoy Your Life More.


Hi friends today I wanted to share with you 10 easy habits to implement in your daily life so that you can cultivate a thankful and happy heart these habits have completely transformed me and have guided me to love and cherish my life being intentional takes energy but
I truly believe everything good takes work and time i know that if you put even a few of these habits into practice you will begin to enjoy your life to the fullest so let's jump into these habits the minute I wake up regardless of how i am feeling I know I have to actively choose to be thankful for all that God has given me trust me it's not natural for me and sometimes I forget but I am learning how important it is for our mental health and heart to practice gratitude all you have to do is name three things you're grateful for today and make sure to be specific if at any moment of the day you find yourself comparing please stop and remember this first let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other or trying to be something we aren't God has created you uniquely special when you feel down on yourself and jump into the habit of comparing your life to other people you are actively working to steal your own joy don't compare it's not worth it instead remember that you matter and god is doing something within your life keep running in your lane so that when you see others succeeding you can genuinely be happy for them and confidently believe God is doing something amazing in your life as well I've been learning the importance of communication you know how there are moments when we feel a certain way towards others but don't vocalize it and as a result, we grow more distant in the relationship well I've realized in a way that can happen to us individually if we don't check in on ourselves and actively seek to understand our feelings
we can lose connection to our emotions and that's when we begin to numb out, it is so easy to get to this place when we don't address what is going on in our hearts when we ignore the warning signs that signal for us to deal with this all the feeling we may have we begin to grow distant from ourselves others and god

I hope this could be the start of taking time to re-evaluate our hearts I put together some questions that i believe can help you go on the right track of connecting with your emotions this way you can fully communicate to yourself to see where you are at and how you are doing the way you talk to yourself matters are your worst critic are you constantly pushing yourself down the voice that you listen to will dictate how you see yourself and how you live your life if you catch yourself being harsh and demeaning stop and even if you don't feel it switch those words with what God says about you you have control over what you allow to enter your mind when you spend time with God and are reminded of his truth and love over your life even the most personal insults can be won over with god's tender truth you will overflow with the words you are filled with so make sure you are speaking kindly to yourself I never thought that Instagram would become such a sweet and life-giving avenue for me to share my thoughts I look forward to sharing every day what I am learning with you I never know if I'll encourage anyone or relate but I found so much joy in sharing it regardless I know your voice matters and what you're learning and going through can be used to inspire and encourage others even if you quote someone else or have a good conversation with someone please share your thoughts and know that your voice matters if my space is messy I feel overwhelmed I believe the way I am feeling on the inside will overflow to the way I treat others and the way I treat my space taking even five minutes to tidy up my room daily has helped me feel so much more at peace I absolutely love playing my favorite songs and cleaning letting go is not easy and for the longest time I used to believe that letting go meant not caring but I've been learning that letting go means surrendering and trusting that the things closest to my heart also matters to god if you struggle with control you already know that keeps you from living freely and being happy each day as I carry new burdens I have realized these are the things I am meant to release onto god God carries my burdens as I surrender and in return, he offers me his peace and goodness so that I can enjoy the life he has given me I have to water my plants every day when I don't they easily dry up and wither away I see my soul in the same way that is why I love going outside to water my plants daily and combining it with the opportunity to also, nurture my soul as I water my plants I find a verse to hold on to and rest in that truth is not only calms my anxiety but carries me forward for the rest of the day I always labeled myself as someone who is not creative I thought creativity only looked a certain way which kept me in a box I am learning that being creative can be anything you make yourself you were created by God to create my creative outlets have grown to make blogs taking pictures gardening decorating and baking anything I do with my hands is considered being creative.


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