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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

10 Facts About Hitler You Didn't Know About.

1;He had a crush on a Jewish girl it sounds pretty crazy that a man who was so intent on destroying the entire Jewish religion and everyone who was Jewish once had a crush on a Jewish girl when he was in school and he wasn't the the evil monster he grew up to be he had a crush on a Jewish girl named Stephanie Isaac when he was younger he was very shy and he never told her how he felt he did however have fantasies about her in some of his daydreams they ran off together with others, he was kidnapping her for his pleasure and they were killing themselves together maybe the the reason he was so ruthless with the Jews was because a Jewish girl was the one that got away.

2;He had digestive issues and gas Hitler had some serious gastrointestinal issues for most of his life these problems caused him to be very gassy he was also plagued with frequent cramps stomach pains diarrhea constipation and severe discomfort after meals makes you wonder if he was afraid to let one loose when he was speaking in front of thousands of people or it is not the the army knew about his GI problems. 

3;He used drugs and bull semen throughout his life Hitler used plenty of drugs according to the dictators medical records that went up for auction at Alexander historical auctions and Stanford Connecticut he took over 30 prescription medications throughout his life's also said that he used cocaine  according to records, he told his people that he needed cocaine to clear his nasal passages finally the most the disturbing fact there have been reports that Hitler shot himself up with bull semen to get boosts in his libido when he took lemon to bed.

4;He was a pervert of the ten facts about Hitler you didn't know about this is the most disturbing Hitler was known for getting handsy with women whether they wanted it or not he had no problem grabbing lemon in their private places he didn't stop there he also had a crush on his niece Delhi Rommel, it is rumored that the two had a sexual relationship in 1931 Delhi died according to authorities she died of an apparent suicide ever since she died people had speculated that Hitler was responsible for her death she was only 23 when she passed away.

5;He had a nephew in the United States Navy in 1911 Hitler's brother's son William Patrick Hitler was born in Ireland when he moved to the United States, he joined the United States Navy and he fought against his uncle it is reported that fought alongside his uncle as well it is believed that he was planted there to get to know the enemy so that the US could take them down after the war in 1933 he moved to Germany where he worked at the Reich credit bank in Berlin in 1942 William was imprisoned by the  Soviet Union and at Hitler's the recommendation he was killed. 

6;There were 42 attempts on his life during his reign of terror Hitler survived 42 attempted assassinations someone attempted to poison him at an event at the hotel kaiser HOF the Elector group in CONUS Berg also tried to assassinate him unknown assailants tried to kill him in 1934 twice in 1937 and twice in 1943 the most famous an attempt was by Klaus von Stauffenberg he tried to kill Hitler in Wolf's Lair the an attempt was codenamed, Operation Beltre Klaus wanted to kill Hitler so that he could take control of Germany and its army.

7;He only had one testicle many people believe that because Hitler had only one testicle that it gave him an inferiority complex which made him feel the need to rule with an iron fist he was born with two testicles however during World War one he was injured and the doctors had to remove his testicle to save his life the injury occurred during the Battle of the Somme in 1916 during World War, two people even made up silly songs about the fact that he had only one testicle rumor also has it that he had a very small penis. 

8;He dropped out of high school Hitler hated school and it didn't interest him at all he also didn't like being told what to do by his teachers because of this he quit school when he was 16 years old this is pretty shocking considering he went on to be the ruler of a country and an army there were some subjects in a school that he enjoyed art and war he even studied Fine Arts in Venice Italy at one point in his life. 

9;He had dreams of becoming a priest when Hitler was 14 years old he fell in a lake in the middle of the winter a  priest came by and pulled him out of the water saving him from frostbite and hypothermia the priest had such an impact on his life that he decided he wanted to be a priest as well as he got older he learned about the history and war and he decided that rather than serving God he wanted to be God the   world would be much different if he had just stuck with his original plan of being a priest. 

10;He didn't know how to drive throughout his whole life and his reign of terror Hitler never learned to drive some people believed that he had no interest in driving and others believed that he didn't want to try just in case he failed considering he led an entire army it is strange that he never learned to drive a car.
