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Eight best foods for glowing skin.

1. Carrot  Carrots are high in beta-carotene an antioxidant that is  converted to vitamin a inside the body  it helps repair skin tissue and protects  against the sun's harsh rays  carrots also contain vitamin c that aids  the collagen production in the body  which prevents wrinkles and locks the  process of aging  you can drink carrot juice on a regular  basis or prepare an inexpensive and  convenient face mask  all you need to do is to mix grated  carrot with some honey and apply it as a  face mask to get glowing skin. 2. Banana  Bananas contain high  levels of potassium which helps  moisturize and hydrate the skin making  it looks fuller more supple and youthful  they contain various skin healthy  nutrients such as vitamin a b and e  the nutrients in bananas work to  maintain the elasticity of the skin  moisturize prevent premature aging and  wrinkles soften and rejuvenate and fade  dark spots and blemishes  add a banana to your smoothie or  a breakfast bowl you can also apply m

HEALTHY LIVING a Revolutionary Documentary About the Unknown Facts About Health.


One of the major concerns that have increased rapidly across the world in In recent times is physical health everyone has suddenly been awakened to the cruel reality of life that physical health is the most basic need and that you can't afford to ignore it not anymore your body is the physical world you represent the minute you walk into a room people can tell a lot about your habits as well as what you think about yourself just by looking at your body one can look at your body and tell whether you abuse your body or look after yourself here is a simple truth without enjoying great health energy and vitality all the riches in the world can never be enjoyed the sad thing about human nature is that people want to pay attention to health only after they realize that they have symptoms of a degenerative disease like diabetes or when they have their first mild heart attack our human body is considered the most sacred temple in the world though we intellectually know that we don't treat this temple very well let's assume for a fact we begin to take care of it how do we care very often we care for the fitness and we assume that we are caring for the body these days a vast majority of people talk about fitness and they think they're talking about health well there's a big difference between health and fitness fitness is the physical ability to perform an athletic activity health however is defined as the state where all the systems of the body nervous muscular-skeletal circulatory digestive lymphatic hormonal etc are working in an optimal way if you look in the dictionary you can do it opens up a dictionary it says right there is a medical dictionary the definition of health is not just the absence of symptoms it's 100 function the function of all the cells all the organs and all the nerves in the body working perfectly it's a function of your physical-chemical emotional and spiritual well-being the quality of health we enjoy is due to the flow of energy we experience every day when there is a hindrance to the flow of the energy we begin to lose the ease with our body and thus strike the disease The bottom line is this the quality of health is energy energy is built at the cellular level energy comes from the cells cells are the building blocks of every living being health life and death starts created and ended in the cellular level cells are the building blocks of our physical body all physical parts in our the body is made of various cells and cells need oxygen and nutrients to produce energy cells must have oxygen anything that diminishes the level of oxygen in the cells of the body is disease-producing the blood is delivering the nutrients and oxygen to the cells our bloodstream acts as an environment to support the health of a cell all healthy cells can absorb oxygen and nutrients and they also can eliminate the waste to stay healthy this means that everything we put into our body has to be either assimilated or eliminated from the body a healthy cell produces energy in a healthy environment namely a healthy fluid and bloodstream therefore the environment has a direct influence on the cell a healthy environment keeps the equilibrium and when that equilibrium is lost disease strikes let me give you an example we all know that garbage attracts rats dirt dumps attract cockroaches killing rats and cockroaches won't solve the problem in the long term as long as it's a dirty environment they'll keep coming back it's the condition that attracts germs and diseases into our body let's say you had a garden and in the the garden was weeds and garbage and on top of that, you're watering it with sewer water well your garden wouldn't grow well and on top of that you'd have a whole ton of critters showing up um feeding on the garbage and munching your garden I mean environment is a keto whether or not something can grow and thrive right I mean would you rather be a fish in a nice clean stream or one in a stagnant pond well it's no different in your body your internal environment is going to dictate whether the fluids in your body whether the 150 trillion cells in your body whether they thrive or whether they don't thrive imagine you keep a goldfish long enough in a bowl of water without changing the water you have a tank there are fish in there they're eating then they create waste nitrogen waste they're also breathing and as they respirate they create co2 as that builds up the ph drops co2 is acidic well if you don't correct the ph not only you're going to get an algae bloom but you're going to get a bunch of sick fish now most people will tell you if you have a sick fish the first thing you're going to want to change is the water the environment the ph but our normal medical practice is the another way around we take the sick fish to the doctor it gets treated and we put the fish back into the same polluted environment we treat most of the symptoms and we continue to let ourselves live in a polluted environment to study health we need to study the healthy environment since everything about health happens at the cellular level let's delve deeper into the subject cells communicate with pulses of electricity at a micromolecular level all cells need electromagnetic charges to function as healthy cells our entire human body is working on electromagnetism what makes electrical power happen to a a healthy cell is a delicate balance of our body's biochemistry our body maintains biochemistry at the cellular level with positive and negative charges chemistry makes the environment possible for electricity to be there anything that messes up the electrical balance is messing up the body's cells messing up your organs and messing up your health the smallest building blocks of life atoms and molecules are micro magnets with a plus and minus pole comparable to the earth's poles or comparable to a battery cell what determines the biochemistry and the balance of a healthy cell is the acid alkaline balance in an alkaline environment the red blood cells swim faster and are less prone to clotting which means they can absorb and emit more oxygen and nutrients on the other hand in a high acidic environment the blood cells will lose their electrical charges and start sticking together 

when the blood cells stick together they lose the flow and less oxygen is supplied to our cells gradually cells become weak and they die when they die they pour more acids into our system the environment gets even more polluted a spiral of negative events occurs to make things even worse now acidity increases and high acid in our system is a big problem why the reason is high acidity causes all kinds of disease and above all the creation of acid in our system breaks down our biochemistry the blood is a living a liquid organ that is our life and our health is in direct relationship to the the health of the blood because all of our organs and tissues and glands are made from our blood and that blood the focal the primary side of that blood production is made in the crypts of the small intestine what I affectionately call the the root system of our body when that part of our body is healthy and strong we build healthy blood and in turn from there we build healthy body cells that build up our organs and tissues and glands our body needs a healthy balance of acids and alkaline to keep the the electromagnetism of our cells now maybe you've heard that the ph of your blood which is the most important fluid in your body the ph of it doesn't change much and that's true but some people will go further and say well then the ph of your body doesn't change and that's not true the ph of your blood must be regulated between about 7.3 and 7.4 if it moved out of that range you would not be alive well the only way then your body can deal with xx acid is to store it to move it away from the bloodstream like any other waste acids must be neutralized and then disposed of through your bloodstream to be carried out eventually through your colon or your kidneys that's how you eliminate waste well if you have so much acid that you can't buffer it and you can't neutralize it and dispose of it properly you can't just dump these acids into the the blood which must be narrowly controlled so your body has a mechanism to deal with that, it's called storing it it'll store it in fluids it'll store it in tissues and fatty tissues it'll store it wherever it can to keep the blood

ph where it optimally needs to be most of the health problems or diseases we experience are the result of our intelligent body's work to maintain the acid-alkaline balance to save your life from the biochemical imbalances and from death itself our body needs to keep the acid-alkaline balance in the bloodstream at 7.36 otherwise, you'll die you see acid is very toxic and the body has to get through though it has to eliminate these acids through the four channels of elimination what are those respiration we breathe out acid we take in life-saving life-giving oxygen what's the others well urination you have to pee your way to health if you want to be healthy if you're not peeing regularly and eliminating your waste products then that acid is going to go into the connective tissues and the fatty tissues for a woman that means breast cancer for a man means prostate cancer you don't want acids going into the connective tissues and into the organs and glands so urination is very important that's why we test the urine the third elimination organ is the bowels you should be eliminating the bowel at least three to five times a day if you eat three to five times a day you should have three to five times the eliminations most folks especially children are not eliminating regularly in fact they'll go for days without eliminating the bowel this is a stage for acid buildup that can lead to an epidemic which is around the world now called type 1 diabetes the fourth elimination organ is our pores we have 3500 pores per square inch and these pores are open our openings that allow for gases, we smell those in the form of body odor or liquid waste that is coming from the lymphatic system out of our tissues out of through the sweat glands we remove waste products which makes exercise so vitally important when the blood cells lose electrical charges in an acidic environment they begin to stick to each other when cells stick to each other the flow of the red blood cells gets reduced this means less or no oxygen to other cells where there is less or no oxygen available to cells they begin to die or mutate when they die it again pollutes the an environment that means more acid is created in the system when a condition of oxygen depletion progresses some cells get disorganized and mutate themselves to survive in this unhealthy environment cells try to adapt to the new acidic environment and they become bacteria this mutation of a healthy cell into bacteria have been videotaped and studied by several modern biologists, it is what happens not what it is but what happens to this raw bacteria that is significant because it's going into what i then videotaped and captured for the first time that I know of and I've shown this at Vienna university, I've shown this at china university I've shown this at oxford university and now we're showing this at Harvard university which has never been seen before the biological transformation of bacteria into a red blood cell and then bacteria out of the red blood cell it's reversible this phenomenon is called pleomorphism and it is shocked medical science and microbiologists this biological transformation occurs when a healthy blood cell mutates and becomes bacteria in an acidic environment and morphs back as a healthy cell in an alkaline environment an the environment that is well balanced with alkaline and acid is the key to a strong immune system bottom line your blood is either a river of life to all your body's cells or a river of disease I believe it's time for another medical revelation stay with me on this one listen very carefully in this case, let's imagine a scenario let's assume that you've consumed poison accidentally how will your body react to the poison that's in your system how will your bodywork against this poison intake what will be your body's intelligent response to keep you alive in most cases when the poison is consumed your body will try to get rid of the poison as a result, you'll experience severe symptoms like vomiting diarrhea dizziness acne or fever blisters mucus convulsions fainting joint pain fatigue and perspiration etc you'll also catch fever because your body heats up to speed up the process of eliminating poison that is too much demand on the body the body also wants to sweat the poison out you'll get the symptom of headache because oxygen levels in the brain have also been interrupted bottom line you can add as many symptoms as you can depending on the type of body that's infected and the amount of poison consumed the truth of the matter is that these are nothing but symptoms when the body is infected with poison in the system now tell me any disease in the world that doesn't have any of these symptoms these are the symptoms of most of the diseases in the world any physician can testify to that what does this all mean this means that symptoms and so-called diseases are nothing but the functions of an an intelligent mechanism called the human body trying to get rid of the poison inside of it now get ready for the biggest medical revelation the disease

is the cure symptoms of the disease are a curing process of how the body is trying to get rid of its toxins all the symptoms are nothing but various means of getting rid of poison or toxicity inside the body the cause of disease or the symptoms are not the real problem the real problem is the source it's the environment what attracts germs to flourish in our the body is the environment the accumulation of toxins in our system causes disease the paradigm of treating symptoms is an old paradigm now is the time to change modern medicine now advocates that all the disease is lifestyle-related diseases if you lead a lifestyle that malnourished your system you will attract diseases and if you lead a a healthy lifestyle you will be quite disease-free quite simple we don't catch diseases we cause them we create them by the way we live us don't catch a cold or flu we actually earn it by fostering toxic waste conditions in our bodies as a result of our lifestyles we have a society that monumentally conspires against the pursuit of health we have wave after the wave of labor-saving technology that says don't ever use your muscles for anything along with messages that you should be more physically active we have every year the introduction of hundreds if not thousands of new highly processed foods the majority of which glow in the dark at the same time we're telling people to eat foods closer to nature and we have crazy hectic routines that wear everybody out without doing any of the physical exertion that would be good for them we have schools where we teach children to sit still all day long so they can become adults we can't get off couches with crowbars so there's an awful lot about our society that is at odds with the basic message of don't smoke be active eat a healthy diet and by the way control stress and get enough sleep we don't make those things easy we ideally would make health lie along the path of least resistance but if if not the path of least resistance there at least needs to be a path so you don't have to bushwhack your way there the foundation of health is a healthy bloodstream the system that transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body if you have a healthy circulatory system you're going to live long and lead a healthy life the environment is the bloodstream then what is the control button for the system it is breathing we all do it but we don't do it well a lymphologist based in California by the name of doctor jack shields found that deep diaphragmatic breathing could accelerate the process of toxin elimination from the body by as much as 15 times he put cameras inside people's bodies to see what stimulated cleansing the lymph system he found that a deep diaphragmatic breath is the most effective way to accomplish this it creates something like a vacuum that sucks lymph through the bloodstream and multiplies the pace at which the body eliminates toxins deep breathing and exercise can accelerate this process by as much as 15 times now most importantly we want to make sure our chest is open we're standing up straight or sitting up straight we want to make sure our chest is open so our lungs are open and we can get the full amount of oxygen so we breathe in we're going to breathe in for three seconds through our nose and feel as if you're breathing into this into the stomach into the diaphragm and then you're gonna hold it for three seconds and then you're gonna blow out of the mouth for four seconds so it's gonna be like three seconds through the nose breathing into the diaphragm into the stomach holding it for three seconds and breathing out of the mouth for four seconds your body is comprised of 70 to 80 water so after oxygen water is the most important nutrient a dehydrated cell is dead or unhealthy cell under a microscope the difference between a healthy hydrated cell and an an unhealthy dehydrated cell is best illustrated by the difference between a grape and a raisin health experts suggest that your diet must consist of 70 water-rich food a water-rich diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables or their juices freshly squeezed eat food that comes out of the ground looking the way it looks when you eat it if it's processed or packaged or it's got trans fats these all increase shelf life but they shorten human life and walk 30 minutes a day you don't have to do that at the end of the day you can make it part of what you do every day like use the stairs instead of an elevator but 30 minutes of extra walking you normally do every day exercise every day doctors of longevity tell us that all increased blood flow is good for the brain and also lifts our spirits exercise leads to perspiration which is another way of getting toxins out of our body exercise makes you feel better and gives you more energy high energy performance comes from movement exercise is the single best method available for decreasing the tension and stress that robs you of mental energy the fastest way to get out of stress is to work out regular exercise will certainly help as this can increase oxygen and hemoglobin levels whilst also providing happy endorphin hormones to neutralize some more toxic hormones it is decisions that determine the quality of our health the lifestyle decisions we make every day determine our health and diseases shortly the real improvement in our health care is less likely to be driven by the advancement of medical science.
